Piłkarski Talent

  1. Księga Klub
Bangor City FC
Football Association Football Association of Wales
Strona internetowa http://www.bangorcityfc.co.uk/ Piłka nożna Bangor City FC
Wyświetleń 1758
Club rating 0

Former players Bangor City FC
Marco Adaggio  |  Emmanuel Akwa Dei Agyemang  |  Aldair Sapalo Amaro Neto  |  Jack Atkinson  |  Philip Baker  |  Martin Beattie  |  Joël Bembo Leta  |  Mark Cadwallader  |  Anderson Cayola Villarroel  |  Leon Clowes  |  James Colbeck  |  Paul Brendan Connolly  |  Stephen Connor  |  Stuart Cook  |  Rhydian Davies  |  Jordan Andrew Davies  |  Leslie Elias Davies  |  Philippe Edmonds  |  Ryan Edwards  |  Michael Elstone  |  Craig Garside  |  Adam Griffiths  |  Matthew John Hurdman  |  Lee Idzi  |  Caio Iwan  |  Bradley Allen Jackson  |  Kyle Jacobs  |  Samuel James Jones  |  Henry Lloyd Jones  |  Christopher Michel Jones  |  Osian Wyn Jones  |  Robert Marc Jones  |  Ifan Emlyn Jones  |  Carl Morris Jones  |  Danial Tomos Jones  |  Michael Jukes  |  Kieran Killackey  |  John Littlemore  |  Gareth Lovell  |  Brady McGilloway  |  Melvin Carl McGinness  |  Paul James McManus  |  James McNulty  |  Jamie David Mensagh  |  Christopher Meredith  |  Andrew John Mitchell  |  Callum Morris  |  Christopher Oldfield  |  Sergio Osagho Uyi  |  John Owen  |  Mike Parker  |  James Philip Petrie  |  Pavel Pinho Vieira  |  Andrew Plummer  |  James Lee Reed  |  Thomas Nathan Reilly  |  Craig Roberts  |  Gareth Steven Roberts  |  Gareth Michael Roberts  |  Dave Roberts  |  Luís Gabriel Robles Torres  |  Adam Roscoe  |  Antoni Saruówski  |  Christian Seargeant  |  Christian Sergeant  |  Christopher Sharp  |  Joshua Shaw  |  Mohamed Alieu Sheriff  |  Christopher Simm  |  Mark Smyth  |  Ashley Stott  |  Gwion Tegid  |  Christopher Thomas  |  Owain Tudur Jones  |  Michael Walsh  |  Clive Williams  |  Kyle Williams  |  Joseph Daniel Williams  |  Kyle Philip Wilson  |  John Anthony Wilson  |  Dean Youle  |  Ashley Young  |  Yves Zama  |  Alessandro Zarrelli
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